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UNILAB 18/19 Estonian Universal Design Incubator Conference

14.09. 9:00–16:00
Events are in English only!
Participation is for free! Registration is required.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unilab-1819-universal-design-incubator-conference-tickets-49242058322
Website: www.unilab.ee
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia: Põhja puiestee 7/Kotzebue 1    Show on the map

THE UNILAB 18/19 conference is a part of the Estonian Universal Design Incubator, the aim of which is the raise awareness amongst the public about universal design and the implementation of its principles. The wider aim of the competition is to encourage students to develop projects that work for all target groups of the society, including for people with disabilities. The theme of this years’ competition and the conference is Independence 3.0, that empowers everyone independent living. The matron of the competition is the Estonian Minister of Social Protection Kaia Iva.

The event is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Council of the Gambling Tax, Estonian Academy of Arts and European Regional Development Fund.