UNILAB 18/19 kogemustoa näol on tegemist Eesti Universaaldisaini Inkubaatori tutvustava üritusega, mille eesmärk on tõsta tudengite seas teadlikkust universaaldisainist ja selle põhimõtete rakendamisest. Korraldatava töötoa raames saadakse parem arusaam iseseisvuse tähendusest erinevate sihtrühmade jaoks ning kogetakse läbi rollimängu milliseid takistusi inimesed kohtavad oma igapäevaelus. Käesoleva konkursi ning ka korraldatava töötoa teemaks on iseseisvus 3.0, mis võimestab kõigile iseseisvat toimetulekut.
THE UNILAB 18/19 Experience Workshop is a part of the Estonian Universal Design Incubator, the aim of which is to raise the awareness of students about universal design and the implementation of its principles. During the workshop the students will gain an insight of the meaning of independence for persons with different needs and through roleplay they will experience the obstacles in their everyday life. The theme of this years’ competition and the conference is independence 3.0, that empowers everyone's independent living.
The event is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Council of the Gambling Tax, Estonian Academy of Arts and European Regional Development Fund.